Stage technology for rehearsal stage, Maopolski Ogrid Sztuk
Right next to the Main Market Square in the historic centre of Kraków, the second largest city in Poland, you will find the “Malopolski Ogród Sztuk”.
The venue belongs to the “Teatr Slowacki”, one of the most famous theatres in Poland, and serves as a full-fledged secondary venue and rehearsal stage for the theatre.
The main concept was the installation of technical stage equipment that is completely flexible and tailored to fit the chosen architecture.
For these reasons, the customer decided on the solution from TÜCHLER, which called for the use of TOPKAT chain hoists instead of classic fly bars. TÜCHLER provided the technical stage equipment for the house, including chain hoists and a control system, a SUPERFLAT projection screen and the stage curtains.

Production, Delivery & Installation
- 58x TOPKAT chain hoists incl. encoder
- 2x TOPKAT motorised trolleys
- computer control system incl. touch panels
- electric roller screen SUPERFLAT, 10 m x 8 m
- Approx. 180 rm stage molleton BÜHNENMOLTON
- Approx. 55 rm trussing
Manufacture of projection screensmore...