Velour Improvement Spray VIS 2000, the unique product for the rapid elimination of pressure points, creases, wrinkles, glossy spots and marks on new and old cotton velours.
VIS 2000 also increases the colour saturation creating a uniform appearance within minutes even for badly wrinkled cotton velours.
VIS 2000 can be applied to new or used cotton velours.
VIS 2000 noticeably improves the crease recovery of cotton velours.
VIS 2000 has been tested on TÜCHLER cotton velours and does not affect the fire retardant properties when applied properly, even after multiple applications!
VIS 2000 is designed especially for use on new cotton velours. New velours from rolls often show storage-related creasing and other irregularities such as lighter or darker areas that are caused by the pile having not yet opened completely. In addition, wrinkles and creases are pressed into these new, still irregular velours through folding and the rigors of transportation. It can often take days or even several weeks until the velour has completely recovered and achieved its desired appearance.
VIS 2000 can dramatically shorten this period: Within 30 minutes you can already see a significant, often full restoration, of the expected colours and even surface of the velour curtain! At the latest, full recovery is achieved after 4 hours.
Spray VIS 2000 evenly in a fine mist on the pile side of the velour while it is hanging.
Spray VIS 2000 over the entire velour once in the horizontal direction and then immediately again in the vertical direction. Hold the sprayer at least 30 cm from the velour!
Be sure the moisture is distributed evenly.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should the velour be saturated with VIS 2000 to the point where it trickles or drips. This can impair the flame retardant properties. The velour should only be treated while hanging.
Wait for at least 30 minutes after applying VIS 2000. If some areas have not completely recovered, repeat the process again.
Then wait 4 to 8 hours.
Technische Details:
- VIS 2000
- bottle 1 kg
General Application & Warning Instructions for VELVET IMPROVEMENT SPRAY 2000
valid from 1st November 2019
1. ApplicationYour cotton velvet must not be saturated with VIS 2000 to the point of dripping or running. If this happens, the flame-retardant effect may be compromised.
The treatment should only be performed while the velvet is hanging. Allow the velvet to dry thoroughly while hanging. Folding or creasing the velvet while it is damp or insufficiently dry can cause severe creasing that may not be removable.
2. Suitable materialsUse VIS 2000 exclusively on cotton velvets!
VIS 2000 is not suitable for polyester velvets, Trevira CS, or other types of fibers.
When applying to flame-retardant cotton velvets from manufacturers other than TÜCHLER, test on a sample to ensure that the flame-retardant properties remain unchanged.
4. Color changeVIS 2000 does not alter the color of your cotton velvets but typically leads to a deepening and richer tone. Test on a separate sample before application! Never treat parts or sections of a curtain, always treat the entire surface.
5. Expiry date and storageObserve the expiry date for storage. After expiration, the effect may be reduced, and spots may form after treatment, which are difficult to remove. If VIS 2000 develops an unpleasant odor, the storage time has been exceeded.
6. Handling sedimentIf sediment forms before the expiry date, shake it well.
7. Use of sprayersUse only sprayers that ensure fine and even atomization. Large droplets can cause staining.
8. Safety Data SheetRefer to the Safety Data Sheet.