Annual inspection and Maintenance

Safety, Comfort, and Cost Savings with TÜCHLER's Maintenance Contracts

Take advantage of our tailor-made maintenance contracts for compliant inspections and timely maintenance, to keep your stage technology systems safe and efficient.

Annual Inspection of Your Stage Technology Systems

This crucial measure is not only essential for the safety and reliability of your facilities, but also a legal necessity in most EU-member states for stage technology equipment such as chain hoists, rope winches, roll-up screens wider than 5 meters, lifting platforms, and more.

Legal Foundations and Their Significance

In compliance with European Union regulations and directives pertaining to employee safety and the use of work equipment, annual maintenance and inspection of mechanical stage technology equipment are required. Our services ensure adherence to all necessary legal standards, enhancing the functionality and extending the longevity of your installations. By maintaining rigorous inspection and maintenance schedules, we help ensure that your equipment operates safely and efficiently, safeguarding both operators and performances.

Custom Maintenance Contracts for Your Business

Profitieren Sie von unseren maßgeschneiderten Wartungsverträgen, die speziell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und gewünschten Termine zugeschnitten sind. Unsere erfahrenen Techniker, die regelmäßig von den Herstellern geschult werden, führen die Wartungen mit höchster Sorgfalt und Fachkenntnis durch.

Benefits of TÜCHLER Maintenance Contracts

Never miss a legally required inspection again

Mit einem TÜCHLER Wartungsvertrag können Sie sich darauf verlassen, dass Sie rechtzeitig eine Benachrichtigungen vor jeder anstehenden Wartung erhalten.

Never forget a maintenance appointment again

Wir koordinieren die Termine automatisch mit Ihnen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie Ihren Betriebsablauf nicht stören

No hassle with authorities

Mit unseren Wartungsverträgen erfüllen Sie stets die aktuellen gesetzlichen Anforderungen. Behördliche Inspektionen werden so zum Kinderspiel.

Save money - avoid stress

Durch regelmäßige Wartung vermeiden Sie teure Notfallreparaturen und verlängern die Lebensdauer Ihrer Anlagen

Secure and free to focus on your important tasks

Indem Sie sich für die Wartung und jährliche Überprüfung durch TÜCHLER entscheiden, können Sie sich unbesorgt Ihrem Kerngeschäft widmen, während wir uns um die Sicherheit und Effizienz Ihrer bühnentechnischen Anlagen kümmern.

Contact Us

Would you like to reliably meet the inspection obligations and maintenance of your stage technology systems? Contact us today at or call us at +43 1 400 10 33 to get advice from our experts.

FAQs on Annual Inspections, Maintenance, and Service

Does TÜCHLER perform maintenance without a maintenance contract?

Yes, TÜCHLER performs maintenance without an existing maintenance contract. This is done based on an individual offer and, if the system is unknown to us, after a chargeable inspection and the creation of an initial report.

What does the annual maintenance and inspection of chain hoists include?

The annual maintenance includes a comprehensive inspection of the overall condition and mechanics of the chain hoists. This includes:

  • Inspection of the condition and attachment of the single-hole suspension eye or load hook on the housing
  • Inspection of the condition and attachment of the chain container including secondary safety
  • Inspection for deformation, damage, or wear of the entire load chain and load hook
  • Inspection of the chain entry, sprocket wheel, and all facilities for feeding and leading the chain
  • Inspection of the working and safety brake including air gap control switch and overtemperature device, if available
  • Independent brake test of individual brakes with nominal load
  • Load test with 120% of nominal load (lifting force/overload test) with test weights and measuring devices
  • Testing and adjusting the parameters on the incremental encoder and the absolute encoder, if available
  • Testing and adjusting the load measurement system, if available
  • Inspection of the retirement readiness of the load-bearing means
  • Acceptance by an authorized expert.
  • Inspection of electrical connections including strain reliefs
  • Measurement of insulation resistance
  • Inspection of touch protection measures
  • Inspection of the inscriptions

Why is an annual inspection of stage technology systems necessary?

An annual inspection is essential both for safety reasons and to comply with EU regulations. Regular maintenance of stage technology systems is crucial for the reliability and safety of the facilities.

What legal bases apply to the maintenance of stage technology systems under EU regulations?

The maintenance of stage technology systems is subject to EU safety standards, which regulate the safety standards that stage technology facilities must meet.

How do companies benefit from TÜCHLER's individual maintenance contracts?

Companies benefit from tailor-made maintenance contracts that are specifically adapted to their needs and schedules. This ensures compliance with all EU regulations, optimal functionality, and extends the lifespan of the facilities.

What are the advantages of TÜCHLER maintenance contracts?

TÜCHLER maintenance contracts ensure that all legal inspections are carried out on time. They facilitate the coordination of appointments, guarantee compliance with legal requirements, and help save costs by avoiding emergency repairs.

How are maintenance appointments coordinated?

Maintenance appointments are automatically coordinated with the customer to ensure that they do not disrupt the operation.

What happens during official inspections?

With a maintenance contract from TÜCHLER, you are prepared for all official inspections, as your systems always meet the current EU requirements.

How can customers schedule a maintenance appointment?

Customers can schedule a maintenance appointment by email at or by phone at 01 400 10 33. Our specialists are available to answer all your questions.

Is there an emergency service for urgent maintenance work?

Yes, TÜCHLER offers an emergency service for urgent maintenance work. This service ensures that critical issues are resolved quickly and efficiently to avoid disrupting operations.

Can existing systems be maintained by TÜCHLER even if they were not installed by TÜCHLER?

Yes, TÜCHLER provides maintenance for all stage technology systems, regardless of who installed them. However, a separate inspection and evaluation of the system is necessary before starting maintenance work.

How is communication handled during the maintenance process?

During the entire maintenance process, TÜCHLER maintains close contact with customers to ensure transparency and clarify any questions.

What training do TÜCHLER technicians receive?

TÜCHLER technicians are regularly trained to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and applicable safety regulations. These trainings are often conducted directly by the manufacturers of the systems.

How does TÜCHLER contribute to sustainability?

TÜCHLER places great emphasis on sustainable practices in the maintenance and upkeep of stage technology systems. Regular maintenance and the use of durable materials minimize environmental impact.

How does TÜCHLER handle unexpected technical problems?

In the event of unexpected technical problems, TÜCHLER reacts quickly and efficiently. A team of experienced technicians is ready to resolve issues promptly.

What sets TÜCHLER apart from other providers in the industry?

TÜCHLER is distinguished by its high level of expertise, customer-oriented service, and strict compliance with EU regulations, making the company a reliable partner in stage technology.

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