Robots for Events, Gastronomy, Catering, and Trade Shows
Experience a new era of event technology with TÜCHLER: from the charming humanoid robot Pepper, who recognizes emotions and offers interactive entertainment, to the versatile serving robot Peanut T8 and the efficient T5 load-carrying robot for the gastronomy sector – discover our innovative robotic solutions that enrich and transform your events.
Discover with TÜCHLER and Weboffice the fascinating world of robotics for events, gastronomy, catering, and trade shows – a world not only filled with technological wonders, but also alive with warmth, emotions, and the 'Wow-Effect'. Our robots, including the charismatic humanoid Pepper and the efficient service robots Peanut T8 and T5, transform every event into an unforgettable experience. Pepper, with his ability to respond to human emotions, not only astonishes and delights your guests but also creates an atmosphere of connection and interaction that lingers in the memory.
In times when serving staff are scarce, Peanut T8 and especially the load-carrying robot T5 prove to be tireless helpers, delivering food and drinks with precision and reliability that relieve the staff while simultaneously thrilling your guests. This allows your staff to focus on personal interactions and building customer relationships. Our robotic solutions offer not just a technological edge but also become ambassadors of your brand and advertising messages. They attract attention and provide a unique platform to engage with guests and leave lasting impressions.
Experience with TÜCHLER how we open a new dimension of customer delight and event innovation with our advanced robot technology.

Keenon Peanut T8 Service Robot: The Elegant Light-Foot for Snacks at Receptions and Trade Shows.
Der Peanut T8 navigiert selbstständig durch die Menge, serviert Speisen und Getränke und beeindruckt Ihre Gäste mit seiner harmonischen Fahrt und freundlichen Erscheinung.
Seine Einsatzmöglichkeiten reichen von lebhaften Empfängen bei denen im Snackmodus elegant Sekt und Brötchen serviert, über Werbefahrten mit Foldern und Werbegimmicks auf Messen bis zu Dinnerpartys in denen er seine menschlichen Kollegen unterstützt.
Keenon T5 Load-Carrying Robot: Reliable Delivery Robot for up to 20 Gastronomy Tablets
Der Lastenroboter T5, präsentiert von TÜCHLER, revolutioniert den Transport in Ihrem Gastronomiebetrieb. Dieser leistungsstarke Roboter ist speziell dafür entwickelt, um schwere Lasten zu tragen und effizient Speisen und Getränke zu transportieren. Mit dem optional erhältlichen Einsatz für Gastrostandard-Tablets kann der T5 bis zu 20 Tablets gleichzeitig befördern, was ihn zum perfekten Helfer für große Catering-Aufträge und umfangreiche Veranstaltungen macht.

The Keenon W3 Butler Robot - Discreet Service at the Highest Level
For an even more exclusive service, we introduce the Peanut W3, a robot originally designed for hotels, hospitals, and nursing homes. With its closed, ventilated casing and a load capacity of 20 kg, the Peanut W3 ensures safe, discreet, and contactless delivery. It's the ideal solution for transporting room service orders, luggage, and other items while maintaining the privacy of your guests.
Our commercial clients use it for the discreet and secure transportation of documents, data carriers, and other items that should not be accessed during transit.
Equipped with the right setup, the W3 can even autonomously navigate to the correct floor in an elevator.
Pepper – The Humanoid Robot with a Heart
Our star, the humanoid robot Pepper, captivates with his child-like, friendly appearance and his ability to respond to human emotions. Pepper's revolutionary technology, powered by 20 motors and an advanced emotion recognition system, allows him to intuitively address the feelings and needs of your guests. Whether he's telling stories, posing quiz questions, or simply taking a selfie – Pepper is a master of interaction and entertainment.

TÜCHLER & Weboffice - A Partnership for Innovation
In unserer Partnerschaft mit Weboffice verbinden wir technologische Innovation mit tiefgreifendem Branchenwissen. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere gemeinsamen Projekte und Lösungen auf der Robotik Website von Weboffice.
TÜCHLER – Your Partner for Unique Event Experiences
Entdecken Sie mit TÜCHLER, wie Robotik Ihre Veranstaltungen transformiert. Ob in der Gastronomie, auf Messen oder bei Catering-Events, unsere Roboterlösungen setzen neue Maßstäbe. Kontaktieren Sie uns für eine individuelle Beratung und gestalten Sie mit uns die Zukunft Ihrer Events.

Service Robot Keenon Peanut T8: The elegant lightweight for snacks at receptions and trade fairs.
The Peanut T8 navigates autonomously through the crowd, serving food and drinks, impressing your guests with its smooth navigation and friendly appearance. Its range of applications extends from lively receptions, where it elegantly serves champagne and canapés in snack mode, to promotional tours with brochures and advertising gimmicks at trade fairs, and even to dinner parties where it assists its human colleagues.
Keenon T5 Load-Carrying Robot: Reliable delivery robot for up to 20 catering tablets
The T5 load-carrying robot, presented by TÜCHLER, revolutionizes transportation in your catering business. This powerful robot is specifically designed to carry heavy loads and efficiently transport food and drinks. With the optional tray for standard catering tablets, the T5 can carry up to 20 tablets at once, making it the perfect assistant for large catering orders and extensive events.

Der Butler-Roboter Keenon W3 - Diskreter Service auf höchstem Niveau
Für einen noch exklusiveren Service stellen wir Ihnen den Peanut W3 vor, einen eigentlich für Hotels, Spitäler und Altersheimen Roboter. Mit seinem geschlossenen, ventilierten Gehäuse und einer Ladekapazität von 20 kg garantiert der Peanut W3 eine sichere, diskrete und kontaktlose Lieferung. Er ist die ideale Lösung für den Transport von Zimmerservice-Bestellungen, Gepäck und anderen Gegenständen, bei gleichzeitiger Wahrung der Privatsphäre Ihrer Gäste.
Unserer Kunden nutzen in in gewerblicher Anwendung für den diskreten und sicheren Transport von Dokumenten, Datenträger und anderen Dingen, auf die Anwesende am Transportweg keinen Zugriff haben dürfen.
Der W3 kann bei geeignet vorgerüstetem Aufzug sogar selbständig in die richtige Etage fahren.
Pepper – The Humanoid Robot with Heart
Our star, the humanoid robot Pepper, enchants with its child-like, friendly appearance and its ability to respond to human emotions. Pepper's revolutionary technology, powered by 20 motors and an advanced emotion recognition system, enables it to intuitively respond to the feelings and needs of your guests. Whether it's telling stories, asking quiz questions, or simply taking a selfie – Pepper is a master of interaction and entertainment.

TÜCHLER & Weboffice - A Partnership for Innovation
In our partnership with Weboffice, we combine technological innovation with profound industry knowledge. Learn more about our collaborative projects and solutions on the robotics website of Weboffice.
TÜCHLER – Your Partner for Unique Event Experiences
Discover with TÜCHLER how robotics can transform your events. Whether in gastronomy, at trade fairs, or catering events, our robotic solutions set new standards. Contact us for personalized consultation and shape the future of your events with us.