Stage Decks

The right stage platform and stage element for every event.

We plan your stage, deliver and assemble your stage platforms and stage elements in any installation, whether stage, grandstands, catwalk, choir stairs indoors or outdoors.

AÜ 110823

From stage elements, they easily and quickly set up and dismantle stage areas for any event. The wide range of accessories makes stage platforms so flexible that even complex shapes and structures such as real grandstands can be set up quickly and safely. You can also use the same stage element to build choir stairs or, for example, catwalks for your event. Elements are packed onto storage trolleys and take up only a fraction of the volume during storage, or they become the hall area itself - like the ZOOM stage platform.

What is the difference betweenStage platform and Stage element?

The terms stage platform and stage element are used interchangeably. There is therefore no difference in terms of technology and content.

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